Ahhh....you can put it on a plate but can you make them eat it?
Quilldancer has a photo challenge this month that I'm hoping to participate in. For each day of the month you post a letter of the alphabet, since today is the 1st the letter is A, tomorrow will be B....and so on, and so on....
I'm having fun with the photo challenges lately, I think a big part of that is because spring is usually pretty overwhelming for me with all of the garden chores, dreams and ideas. Participating in the challenges is like accepting an assignment, it points me in a direction but allows me freedom of interpretation. Comments from other bloggers who are participating in the same challenge has been a delightful bonus. Wanna play along?
you can lead a horse to water... but you can not mae him eat arugula. My fav green too. Love that peppery action.
Lucky you! The only green showing up here is rhubarb and that's for jam for my son :)
Arugula! Yes! I love a salad with personality. Great start for the Alphabet Challenge!
I don't believe I've ever HAD arugula! I'm going to have to look for it -- do they carry it in regular grocery stores? (or... does it go by another name?) I LIKE that shot -- very simple - but very... homey!
Nice image for your first Alphabet Photo. I'm glad to see you're here participating in this. I have to get a move on. What to post? What to post???
Not much stuff coming up in my neck of the woods yet, still freezing around here. Come see mine its up now too
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