Saturday, May 31, 2008

From the Ground Up, Catch Up

I've been off-grid and unplugged so I've missed a few days of From the Ground-Up. Bummer. I've been looking around and catching up on some of the other participants project posts...they're great!
Today I was driving home and saw this avalanche chute...people were hiking up carrying snowboards and skis so they could ski or board down. What a lot of work for an icy, chunky, bumpy run. I love to ski...but give me a chairlift and a groomed run. Oh yeah....and ski patrols and avalanche safety crews. Call me a princess, I can take it.

I took this shot around the corner from the avalanche chute. It looks like another world, I know. It's exposed to the sun so the snow is melted off. If you click on the photo to enlarge it you can see a railing for a scenic look-out point at the top of the white rock area. It gives you some idea of the scale of the cliff.
I was going to tell you that I went rock climbing today and took this photo after I had finished rappelling down this rock'd believe me....right? He he...
*Bloggers note: I just noticed that Anna Carson has announced Project Blue....guess this last shot qualifies for my first post. Prepare for Blue, Wahooo!


Robert said...

Isn't it great keeping your camera with you at all times. Look how it's paid off for you. I love the second image with the brilliant blue sky. Nicely done. And fyi, I'm finishing up my first entry for Project Blue right after I post this comment!

Anonymous said...

Definitely blue, and definitely UP. Well combined. I'll post my first Project Blue offering in a few and I am also combining it with my Up post.

Anonymous said...

Go back and read the comments on my Rainbow Dove post. I have finally responded and you'll likely find the answers you seek scattered like sand -- a little covering everyone who walked the beach ...

Anna said...

Yes, it qualifies and I love the angle!

Anonymous said...

Makes me dizzy just looking at it. Great photo! Love the bear photo too, I can't imagine coming across that on the side of the road!

Debbie said...

Way up! You just happened to drive by on way to work? Gosh, these 2 are beautiful and what a way to start a work day!

Melli said...

Oh goodness! I'm with ya! Well... I don't ski at all anymore -- but NEVER down something like that! OUCH!

The blue sky most assuredly qualifies! Very nice indeed!

Ingrid said...

Snow now ?? that's amazing ! beautiful pictures !

Raven said...

Seems like a blue enough sky for project blue to me. Glad someone besides me used the sky for blue. It's amazing that those two photos are such a short distance from each other. It's an amazing world.