Wednesday, May 14, 2008

N is for Nice Neighbors

, my very nice neighbor was standing here on my front porch, and behind him... just at the end of the sidewalk - stood a cow. Obviously I couldn't take his photo when he was standing there...since I was sorta busy!Cows don't belong on sidewalks, they belong in barns and fields. Cows can do a whole lot of damage to a lawn and garden, gardeners cry big alligator tears when this happens...and then they get really mad at Husbands. The gardener thinks it's The Husbands responsibility to make sure that gates and fences are strong enough to ensure that this doesn't happen.
My nice neighbor and I share a love of plants. In the spring he pays attention to what's blooming here, sometimes he comes over and takes a little piece of a plant to take to his house. Lucky for me, he happened to be looking closely at my yard yesterday as he drove by and noticed that there was a cow standing in the middle of the driveway. He stopped, blocked the end of the driveway with his car to keep the wandering bovine(s) from sauntering into the road, knocked on the front door to let me know my garden was in danger of being trampled by the aforementioned sauntering bovine. I grabbed my cel phone, called The Husband who was at a neighboring answer...called that farmer who told his wife to "beep" The Husband...who asked where the "out" cows which I replied with (hopefully) a note of humor "at the front door!!!".

My nice neighbor and I chased the cow down a lane (it turned out there was only one gal on the loose), the neighbor went home for lunch, The Husband raced home to the farm, together we convinced the cow she should go back in the barn, The Husband fixed the gate she knocked down and then went back to work at the neighboring farm.

The best thing of all? There is not one hoof print in my lawn and not a single smashed perennial or chewed-on shrub.

All thanks to one incredibly nice neighbor, who took the time to stop and save my garden.

Thank You nice neighbor, you can come over and dig up any little plant your heart desires.


Melli said...

ROFL! I LOVE that roundabout way you have of getting to your "N"! (or getting it to the photo, I should say!) Lovely story ... very enjoyable!

Carletta said...

This was such a clever way to share your story - I truly enjoyed it.
N could just as well be for Nice Lawn and Front yard - it is gorgeous!

Robert said...

Wow. City life is so different. I've never had anyone come to tell me a cow is in my yard. What a story that would be if it happened here! I'll bet it would make the 6:00 news.

Dr.John said...

What a nice comment on you neighbor. Good pictures too.

Dianne said...

Your place is so beautiful!

and isn't it wonderful to have nice neighbors. and wandering cows ;)

bobbie said...

A very nice neighbor indeed! And a great "N" post. And a wonderful, funny story.

Anonymous said...

One can always spot a true storyteller. He or she will use any and every opportunity to tell a story. Smooth intro storyteller!

Lori said...

Nice neighbor. Its very nice when someone takes the time and by doing so saves you a whole lot of time!

Minkydo said...

Definitely one nice neighbor. Those silly cows can sometimes be devious about getting out :)

Unknown said...

LOL! What a great story... particularly as no plants were harmed in the happening or the telling of it. :)