Well...the party is officially over, for me...and for them. These little beasts have taken over the party barn! They're everywhere....and they're not very nice at all. Every time I go out there they dive-bomb me. As bad as I feel about this... desperate measures are called for.
Sorry Mr. MeanBug....it's party season and you're not paying the taxes on that barn...I am....consider yourself served with an eviction notice.
I would not want to be one of those yellow jackets. What's the saying? Hell hath no furry like a woman? (or something like that) Ha ha. Great post!
Go get'em Shell! I have a reaction when I get stung, they are mean and nasty. So, I say spray'em.
Make sure the insurance is current and burn the barn down.
I feel the same way. Bees have taken up residence in our house for the third time in about 15 years, and I am sick of them!
EEEK!! I couldn't look at the photo for more than a split second, so I'm just going to have to take everyone else's word that it is a great shot. LOL!
I have thoroughly enjoyed your ABC posts. For that, I have an award over at my blog for you. Thanks for the entertaining posts. (Don't feel obligated to participate...I know how these can be.)
There's that old pane glass again! Lovely with that Yellow Jacket against it with the sun shining!
I'm so allergic to their sting - be careful cause they are meanies!
Poor yellow jacket doesn't know what is about to hit him. Must have been a hard picture to take.
OUCH! I hate those little critters! They used to CHASE me when I was a kid! My sister always said it was cuz I was so SWEET! I wished to be LESS sweet! I'd evict them too!
I have the address of a few people you could send them too. Do they have GPS?
Good luck.
I read the title and then I quickly sort of skipped the picture, sorry about that! but can't stand them! Hope you get rid of all the yellow jackets soon!
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