We're having a bit of a bunny problem, I sure hope I get to harvest something this year, so far they've chomped my arugula down to nothin' and it looks like they've been nibbling on the peas. Funny how they don't touch any of the stuff that could use some trimming, like the mint and the lemon balm....well...not really all that funny. Grrrr!
i haven't seen teepees like that... here, simple long wooden sticks are used to support peas and beans...
i have also browsed through your older posts and really enjoyed them.
That's interesting. I hope you find a solution to the bunnies. We had to double fence our garden to keep them and the deer out.
I've never seen anything like this - my Dad used to make his own teepees for beans from long poles he cut himself.
My hubby planted lettuce and had to fence it in because of little bunnies!
Interesting post!
Hmmm... imagine bunnies likin' lettuce! I've never seen those tepees before!
Great choice for T! Sorry to hear about your bunny problem though.
Geez farmer Shelly. Don't you know bunnies need to eat too? They are pesky little things. My mother-in-law has two wild ones that sit in the back yard and look at her while she is gardening. She tries to chase them off but no, they just sit there. What bunnies want bunnies get! :)
Hey, any more rhubarb over there? I've been pie-ing and crisp-ing up a storm. (My waist loves it!)
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