Diane over at Martinis for Two left a comment on my last post, since the post was about needing a new car (or just more reliable transportation) she asked what kind of car I had in mind...ayyyeee....I wish I knew! I envy those people who know for certain what kind of vehicle they want. I detest making major purchases so I'm sure that has a lot to do with my dilemma.
Here's the checklist.
*We're tall, I'm 5'10" and The Husband is 6'1", we don't fold like we did when we were younger so legroom is a big deal..oh yeah...and if I sit in the back seat I hate it when my head grazes the ceiling.
*I need something that handles steep inclines, I make a lot of trips over mountain passes...steep ones. I'm still healing from a foot injury so I haven't used my skis in a couple of years...I'm really looking forward to being able to ski again, so a rig that handles snowy roads is a good idea too.
*My last two rigs were two-door models, I'm thinking a four-door is a good idea, cramming folks into the backseat is a bit of a drag.
*Room for a dog crate would be pretty cool, but I don't want one of those giganto gas hog SUV's...nooooo....I'm used to 30 mpg - that's not great but it's not horrible either.
* I've never owned a foreign car, don't know that I want to start now...not sayin' I won't...just not sure that I want to send my car dollars to another country - I'm quirky that way. Maybe it's because we've made a living farming for 28 years, I try not to buy foreign food either - but sometimes that European cheese jumps into my shopping cart! Oh yeah, and Italian wines...I'm inconsistent at best...I'll own that.
Avoiding the whole thing sounds like a great idea to me, until Mrs. Greenthumbs refuses to start again...
One of my avoidance tactics is to go out to the barn and "work" on stuff. I bought this funky little vanity at the
Re Store for 14 bucks, it was a mess...but nothing a little sanding and painting couldn't fix.

OK...here's how freaked out I am. I painted the inside of the drawers a screaming pink, the name of the color is American Beauty - I don't even like pink. Freakin' out here I tell ya, freakin'.

I hung a shelving unit (ReStore agian ....$11!) above the vanity - it has a drop-down panel that works as a little desktop...how cute is that? Hey man, I can work on projects out in the barn until the end of the year...heck...more like forever there is so much to work on out there. Eventually I'll have to go to town to get more paint...I'm gonna need a car that starts to get to town.
It's a vicious circle I tell ya...vicious.

For some crazy reason I really like this...pink....whadya know, and it's in a barn no less.
If you're wondering, The Husband just looked at me, smiled...and shook his head.
He does that a lot.