Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
It's the Most Wonderful Time!
Dianne asked for some Bergie snow pictures. Awwwww! Do I have any?...uh, just a few.
So Di, here ya go. Berg is a snow maniac, this pup smiles a lot anyway.... but snow, oh beautiful snow - she loves it so!
So Di, here ya go. Berg is a snow maniac, this pup smiles a lot anyway.... but snow, oh beautiful snow - she loves it so!
The captions are in Berg-speak, goofy I know...but let's just go with it, for the heck of it.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Whine in Seattle
Warning: This is a cranky lady rant.
I'm calling it Whiney Seattle.
Yup, whine...not wine - although there are some lovely spots to enjoy a glass of wine in the city.
Nope...I'm talkin' about all you Seattle whiners.
The northwest has experienced a really unusual weather pattern which has resulted in record snowfall. What are Seattleites doing? Whining... whining like little babies, grown men are on the news acting like a pathetic four year old, complaining about the fact the the city hasn't plowed the streets like they should. Poor little whiney Seattle men can't jump in their Beamers and drive to Starbucks every four hours...poor little sissy boys.
Carports are collapsing because Seattle men are too lazy to climb up a ladder and slide some snow off the roof. If you're stupid enough to park your vehicle under a structure that obviously wasn't built to handle a heavy snow load...uhhh...maybe you deserve a smooshed car.
While I'm giving you a little cranky lady smack down.
There aren't enough snowplows in the whole state to keep the Seattle city streets plowed, King county simply doesn't get enough snow to warrant keeping all of that equipment in their garages!
So, sissy whiny Seattle folks. Get off your duffs, pick up a snow shovel and quitcherbitchin'.
My own 75 year old mother has been shoveling her own sidewalks for the last week, she says it's really great exercise and she feels so proud of herself when she's all done.
I'm so proud of my mom.
I'm also proud of my husband, he's been up on the barn roof shoveling the snow. You won't catch a farmer whining about how nobody comes to shovel his snow for him.
I'm so glad I married a real man and not a sissy-city-whiney-lazy-bum.
I'm calling it Whiney Seattle.
Yup, whine...not wine - although there are some lovely spots to enjoy a glass of wine in the city.
Nope...I'm talkin' about all you Seattle whiners.
The northwest has experienced a really unusual weather pattern which has resulted in record snowfall. What are Seattleites doing? Whining... whining like little babies, grown men are on the news acting like a pathetic four year old, complaining about the fact the the city hasn't plowed the streets like they should. Poor little whiney Seattle men can't jump in their Beamers and drive to Starbucks every four hours...poor little sissy boys.
Carports are collapsing because Seattle men are too lazy to climb up a ladder and slide some snow off the roof. If you're stupid enough to park your vehicle under a structure that obviously wasn't built to handle a heavy snow load...uhhh...maybe you deserve a smooshed car.
While I'm giving you a little cranky lady smack down.
There aren't enough snowplows in the whole state to keep the Seattle city streets plowed, King county simply doesn't get enough snow to warrant keeping all of that equipment in their garages!
So, sissy whiny Seattle folks. Get off your duffs, pick up a snow shovel and quitcherbitchin'.
My own 75 year old mother has been shoveling her own sidewalks for the last week, she says it's really great exercise and she feels so proud of herself when she's all done.
I'm so proud of my mom.
I'm also proud of my husband, he's been up on the barn roof shoveling the snow. You won't catch a farmer whining about how nobody comes to shovel his snow for him.
I'm so glad I married a real man and not a sissy-city-whiney-lazy-bum.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Merry!
It's snowing as I write this, it's going to be a white Christmas here at this old farm.
We're digging out the driveway with a tractor so that they can get in with a cattle truck, there are a few big mama cows here that have to move to the other farm before they have their baby calves...looks like there will be some Christmas calves! comes another tractor. Hmmmm.
Guess I better get out there and lend a hand.
I'm off to bundle up in my snow boots, scarf, ski coat and hat.
I want to wish you all Christmas blessings!
Thanks for stopping in at this old snow covered farm.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Baby it's Cold Outside
Yikes. Here's the view from my front window. It's
The Husband and I needed to go to the city this afternoon, he had an appointment about 15 miles from the farm. We bundled up, threw a shovel and blankets in the back of my 4 wheel drive rig, two cel know...all the stuff they say you ought to have with you if you're going to drive in the snow. We'd had several conversations about whether or not we should go, I said "we can always turn around".
Well, we drove a mile.
We turned around. There were a few times I could hardly see the road because of the blowing snow. There was a moment where I wasn't sure if I was in the right lane...not so good, kinda freaky actually.
A couple of hours later my cel phone rang, it was mom. My big brother called her, he was worried about us. He knew where we were headed, thought we were already there, his advice? Don't try to come home, go to a hotel and wait out the storm.
I love my big brother.
Well, we drove a mile.
We turned around. There were a few times I could hardly see the road because of the blowing snow. There was a moment where I wasn't sure if I was in the right lane...not so good, kinda freaky actually.
A couple of hours later my cel phone rang, it was mom. My big brother called her, he was worried about us. He knew where we were headed, thought we were already there, his advice? Don't try to come home, go to a hotel and wait out the storm.
I love my big brother.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Pretty Enough to Post?
Having a great time here decorating and visiting with old and new friends.
Almost finished shopping, the house is stocked, the recipes are lined up and the social schedule is just busy enough to keep me amused but not send me down CrazyLane.
This morning I finally spent a little time making the chest in the living room look festive.
It's just an old glass column, some leftover ornaments that didn't go on the tree...and a few greens and sticks from the yard.
I like it, twas simple, easy and cheap...makes me so happy.
I like it so much it it inspired me to post...woohoooo!
Next up? The dining room table...hmmmmmm....I think I'll go find that old chipped punch bowl.
I hope it's pretty enough to post, wish me luck!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
I was doing a little blog cruising over the weekend and I ended up at a life coach site. A few years ago a casual acquaintance of mine became a life coach so it sparked my curiosity. The blogger who led me there had taken the Enhanced Life quiz...I think that was the hook for me. The blogger described how she was working hard to complete a lot of the tasks that were listed on the quiz. Curious...and thinking to myself, aw heck...I'm pretty stinkin' happy, I think I'll take that lil 'ol quiz, it will be fun!
Section One, three questions in, and all I could think was - - -
Uh oh.
Wake. Up. Call.
It was called the Clean Sweep quiz and the first section focused on home.
Not that my life isn't good, it's really good. But it's kinda messy. Messy office, jam packed closets, kitchen cabinets, garage...yup...dang near everything isn't as orderly as I'd like it to be.
It's time, time to clean up and clear out... the time is now.
Crazy, I know. It's the holidays after all...but I kinda think that's the best time to do it. I can clear out and organize my Christmas stuff, get rid of what I don't need, then while I'm at it I might as well clear out my closets. There are clothes in there that I'm sure the Women's Shelter could put to good use at this time of year. Once I get the ball rolling who knows, I just might tackle that kitchen remodel I've been babbling about for the last ten years. Yikes!
Of course, all of these chores are going to take a lot of time and energy. Where will I steal the time from? I guess the most logical place would be...blogging.
On the third of December I will hit my one year blog anniversary....woo-hooo! I've almost made it a whole year :)
It's been great, I love the blogging community, but I'm taking a break. A couple of weeks ago I mentioned I might take a break and a few of you left really nice comments, thank you for that...I really mean it, it was super sweet. Of course I can't go cold turkey! It's going to take some time, I'll have to slowly ease that lap-top off my lap and back to the desk. I'll still be stopping by my faves, commenting occasionally....but I kinda want to be a lurker!
This is probably my last post for a good long while so I'll take this opportunity to wish you all Happy Holidays,
and of course happy blogging!
All the best,
Section One, three questions in, and all I could think was - - -
Uh oh.
Wake. Up. Call.
It was called the Clean Sweep quiz and the first section focused on home.
Not that my life isn't good, it's really good. But it's kinda messy. Messy office, jam packed closets, kitchen cabinets, garage...yup...dang near everything isn't as orderly as I'd like it to be.
It's time, time to clean up and clear out... the time is now.
Crazy, I know. It's the holidays after all...but I kinda think that's the best time to do it. I can clear out and organize my Christmas stuff, get rid of what I don't need, then while I'm at it I might as well clear out my closets. There are clothes in there that I'm sure the Women's Shelter could put to good use at this time of year. Once I get the ball rolling who knows, I just might tackle that kitchen remodel I've been babbling about for the last ten years. Yikes!
Of course, all of these chores are going to take a lot of time and energy. Where will I steal the time from? I guess the most logical place would be...blogging.
On the third of December I will hit my one year blog anniversary....woo-hooo! I've almost made it a whole year :)
It's been great, I love the blogging community, but I'm taking a break. A couple of weeks ago I mentioned I might take a break and a few of you left really nice comments, thank you for that...I really mean it, it was super sweet. Of course I can't go cold turkey! It's going to take some time, I'll have to slowly ease that lap-top off my lap and back to the desk. I'll still be stopping by my faves, commenting occasionally....but I kinda want to be a lurker!
This is probably my last post for a good long while so I'll take this opportunity to wish you all Happy Holidays,
and of course happy blogging!
All the best,
Friday, November 28, 2008
Wreath Day
One of my favorite days of the was Wreath Day at this old farm!
My friend Tami and I pretending that we made all of the wreaths...little worker bees that we are.
Mom, me, my niece and my sissy...crafty ladies I tell ya. Hmmmm, I think we made a lot more wreaths last year. Too much talking and snacking and not enough workie workie. Hey man, it's who we's what we do.
When everybody else is out shopping the day after Thanksgiving, I'm out in the craft barn with my friends and family....exactly where I want to be. I love sharing the space, making lunch, trying new recipes and laughing and crafting with my favorite gals....for me it just doesn't get a whole lot better than that.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
My Goal is to be a Babe
Ha! Gotcha.
Not that kind of babe. Not a chickie-hottie "babe".
I want to be like my great aunt Babe, my grandma's sister.
This morning I went to her 85th birthday party, the woman is amazing.
She's fit, she's trim, she has less wrinkles than a lot of women 25 years younger than she is.
She's active, she's always got something on her calendar
She even golfs three times a week!
So...I need to get focused on my "Babe" makeover.
First step...guess I better get some golf clubs.
Happy Birthday Aunt Babe!
Not that kind of babe. Not a chickie-hottie "babe".
I want to be like my great aunt Babe, my grandma's sister.
This morning I went to her 85th birthday party, the woman is amazing.
She's fit, she's trim, she has less wrinkles than a lot of women 25 years younger than she is.
She's active, she's always got something on her calendar
She even golfs three times a week!
So...I need to get focused on my "Babe" makeover.
First step...guess I better get some golf clubs.
Happy Birthday Aunt Babe!
Monday, November 24, 2008
And she rants...againnnn?
What I want to know is who exactly is doing the math here?
Good grief!
Speaking of math. My darling niece is attending a state university. The university is having serious financial difficulties. The FBIS (Fat Boy In Suit) who has the groovy job of running the U makes $888,000 a year, he's taking a little heat about his salary so he's opted not to accept his most recent bonus/cost of living increase? Isn't that nice of him, but he's made it clear he's not willing to accept a decrease in his salary.
Oh My Giant Bucket of Crap!
$888,000 % 12 = $74,000. each and every month..think about guy, driving up to the bank window to deposit his monthly paycheck - it's freaky people....just plain freaky!
It's a state university... our state is pretty much bankrupt.
I know I know, our country is full of these people.
Last week the news was full of reports about pirates off the coast of Somalia taking over oil tankers and holding them for ransom.
In my mind this guy is no different than those pirates.
Perhaps it's time for a little bit of mutiny on this ship called the USA Bounty?
Sorry about the rant, I had to get it out.
UW President Mark Emmert makes $905,000 a year according to the Seattle Times.
Sorry 'bout not having my facts straight, I mean really...what's $17,000 among friends.
Well Mark, that's what a lot of folks live on for a whole year.
Imagine that.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Gin The Dancing Dog
I tried to tell Bergie that we should get
creative with our exercise....
this is the look she gave me.
I don't think she's feelin' it.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Dear Trespasser(s)
My Dear Trespassers,
I have an idea.
When you come to my place to hunt, gather, picnic, frolic, exercise, hike and whatever else you like to do here...I think we should make a deal. I know you're not comfortable asking for permission to stop over here, so you can drop my request on the front porch before you leave...or a little IOU would be fine too.
When you take my daffodils, leave a bouquet for me too.
When you take my lilacs, same thing.
When you take my blackberries, leave an IOU for a pie or a little pint of jam would be nice.
When you take fall foliage, leave me a cat-tail or two for my bouquets.
When you take a duck, hmm...I like smoked duck breast, an IOU will do.
When you take service berries, same thing as blackberries, jam or pie is fine.
When you take a deer, I'll call the cops...the deer and I have a deal and those no hunting signs are there for a reason.
When you chop down a tree, a little stack of firewood would be a good idea.
When you take a whole truck load of rose hips and wild red winter berries like you did today, you owe me a wreath and maybe even some money...that's pushing the limit.
I'm totally into sharing.
What I don't want is your picnic trash, pop cans, dorito bags, beer bottles, wine bottles, dirty diapers and doggie doo doo, oh yeah...FYI, that recliner that you left doesn't match my decor.
I'll be waiting for my pie, the ice cream is in the freezer.
p.s. about that case of whiskey you left hidden in the brush, I think you were probably planning to pick up later? We gave it to my brother-in-law, if I may be so bold - could you leave vodka next time?
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Million Dollar View
I'm so glad we did.
This is the view from where I was sitting, yeah...they call it their million dollar view.
The best part? Besides the view? You can get a burger for five bucks!
The food was great, the beer was cold, and the service was fabulous.
If you're local give them a whirl, I think you'll be glad you did.
Blue Mountain Grill
Highway 9
Acme, Washington
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Send out the trainer
Ten years ago I was living my life in overdrive and working full time. The farm was still a functioning dairy, The Husband was working seven days a week, really long days. I was working in sales and as a corporate trainer. My job was based out of Seattle, two hours from the farm so we had an apartment in the city, but I was rarely there. Two weeks out of most months I would fly to another city, usually west of the Mississippi...where I would spend five days training new sales employees, or retraining existing sales staff that was performing poorly, they were usually pretty close to getting the boot.
When I would meet with employees in need of "retraining" the first thing on my agenda was to have a conversation that went something like this.
"OK...I'm sure you know why I'm here. The boys in suits don't like your numbers, but I'm not a boy in a suit. This week I'm here to give you everything I've got, we're starting fresh, what I need to know is you really want this job? Because if you don't want it, why don't we just get it all right out in the open here, I can fly back home today...there is plenty of work for me to do back in my own territory. So, are you in? Or do you want me to go back to the airport? It's really all up to you. At the end of this week I'll be writing a report, and you'll get to sign fact we'll be writing it together. What do you want to do this week? Do you want to help me write a glowing report on Friday or do you want to give me a ride to the airport right now?"
The joke at the corporate office was that when Shelly went out to "retrain", those employees would either quit or their numbers doubled. It wasn't always about numbers, sometimes it was about filling out reports correctly, or following company policy...and now that I don't work there anymore I can say that it was usually because their doofus district manager didn't train them right in the first place.
So, I've decided I need some retraining. This old farm blog will be a year old in two weeks...and I think it needs a boost, or a boot....not quite sure which. I'm boring me, so if I'm boring me I can't imagine how much I'm boring everyone else. It's time to shake it up, or shake it off. I read so many cool, sassy, creative blogs...maybe I'll just be a place where readers can go to find better places to there's an idea!
When I would meet with employees in need of "retraining" the first thing on my agenda was to have a conversation that went something like this.
"OK...I'm sure you know why I'm here. The boys in suits don't like your numbers, but I'm not a boy in a suit. This week I'm here to give you everything I've got, we're starting fresh, what I need to know is you really want this job? Because if you don't want it, why don't we just get it all right out in the open here, I can fly back home today...there is plenty of work for me to do back in my own territory. So, are you in? Or do you want me to go back to the airport? It's really all up to you. At the end of this week I'll be writing a report, and you'll get to sign fact we'll be writing it together. What do you want to do this week? Do you want to help me write a glowing report on Friday or do you want to give me a ride to the airport right now?"
The joke at the corporate office was that when Shelly went out to "retrain", those employees would either quit or their numbers doubled. It wasn't always about numbers, sometimes it was about filling out reports correctly, or following company policy...and now that I don't work there anymore I can say that it was usually because their doofus district manager didn't train them right in the first place.
So, I've decided I need some retraining. This old farm blog will be a year old in two weeks...and I think it needs a boost, or a boot....not quite sure which. I'm boring me, so if I'm boring me I can't imagine how much I'm boring everyone else. It's time to shake it up, or shake it off. I read so many cool, sassy, creative blogs...maybe I'll just be a place where readers can go to find better places to there's an idea!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sweet Rosie
Rose and her daughter Lilly
My sweet and sassy puppy was snuggled next to me on the couch this morning when I opened my e-mails. In my in-box was an e-mail from my friend Deb, the message she sent told me that her sweet Rosie went to dog heaven this weekend.
A little over two weeks ago Rosie was at a beach party having a great time. A few days later she wasn't feeling well so Deb took her to the vet, her liver was in bad shape...Rosie was in a lot of pain and surgery wasn't an option.
Rosie never met my new girl Bergie, but Deb and I talked about getting the girls together so that Rosie could teach naughty Bergie some manners, sort of like a big sister.
We never got that chance.
We just never know what tomorrow will bring, so let's all give our puppies a hug, take them for a walk, or a drive...and maybe an extra treat or two.
In loving memory of Rosie.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
My Fave Designer
So, a few nights ago I had crazy dreams about remodeling and cranky designers. The one designer that wasn't in the dream, a designer that I know in real life, my faaaave designer and lovely pal Jenny.
This girl has more creativity in her little finger than I have in my whole body. It's always so much fun to go to her house because she never runs out of's like a crazy magic design fun-house. And it's pretty....oh so pretty.
A few years ago Jenny moved into an old farmhouse that needed a lot of work, of course Jenny grabbed a crowbar and got right to it. Well, the house is about finished so she needed to go someplace with all of that creative energy.
May I present...drum roll please....
The Duck Dock in Jenny's pond.
Every time I look at this photo I crack up. I dream about building stuff like this - the cool thing about Jenny is, she dreams it...and then she does it.
Love that girl.
* Click to make the photo larger and check out the "Duck!" over the door...
he he he
This girl has more creativity in her little finger than I have in my whole body. It's always so much fun to go to her house because she never runs out of's like a crazy magic design fun-house. And it's pretty....oh so pretty.
A few years ago Jenny moved into an old farmhouse that needed a lot of work, of course Jenny grabbed a crowbar and got right to it. Well, the house is about finished so she needed to go someplace with all of that creative energy.
May I present...drum roll please....
The Duck Dock in Jenny's pond.

Love that girl.
* Click to make the photo larger and check out the "Duck!" over the door...
he he he
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Kitchen Nightmares

I found this kitchen photo online and I actually figured out how to save it, sorry to say after all of that I can't remember where I found it. I loooove the look of this kitchen, in order for it to work in my house I would have to shrink it down to about half the size, hmmm...probably even less.
I've only been dreaming about a new kitchen for twenty eight years. Right now I have curling 70's linoleum, a leaking fridge, a non-functioning dishwasher and brand new stains on the carpet that leads to the dining room because the washer sprung a leak a couple of weeks ago -yay! Oh yeah, the washer and dryer in the kitchen....true multi-tasking.
My daydreams of a new kitchen have now wormed their way into my dreams at night...only they're not so dreamy. I've been taking pain meds and muscle relaxers (crappy back) and they always give me strange dreams, last night was a doozy. My dream was that I finally committed to a kitchen remodel and ordered the cabinets above...only they didn't fit. The kitchen island in the photo was installed in my existing kitchen, and there wasn't room for anything couldn't even walk in the door, the whole kitchen was one big beautiful granite topped island - no fridge, no sink, no nothin'. Just one giant island that you couldn't even walk around.
Of course my favorite decorators were there to tell me I should have known better than to design my own kitchen, even my favorite decor bloggers were there to tell me what dummy I was.
Big bunch of meanies.
Now wonder I'm scared to remodel.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Dear Mr. President Elect
Back when you were campaigning and you told us that your girls would be getting a puppy, specifically a rescue puppy....a lot of us were quite pleased that was the course you would be taking. I don't want to have to get cranky with you about this, but is it my imagination or are you doing a little bit of back peddling on this one?
Please don't do that.
I understand that your daughter has allergies, so you can't get just any old rescue dog...but you can certainly find a specific breed through the rescue system.
Check out Seattle Purebred Rescue, I'm sure they would be happy to put you in touch with a Purebred Rescue organization in your area.
A lot of us out here really want to see a whole bunch of folks adopt rescue dogs, let's face it...if you do it, you'll be inspiring a vast number of others to do it as well.
Please don't disappoint us, there are just far too many great dogs in shelters out there that need homes!
Oh yeah....and I think you'll have plenty of room at that house you're moving to, I've been's quite lovely.
Thanks for listening,
I'm just another American who knows the joy of having rescue dogs join the family and hope you will too.
Please don't do that.
I understand that your daughter has allergies, so you can't get just any old rescue dog...but you can certainly find a specific breed through the rescue system.
Check out Seattle Purebred Rescue, I'm sure they would be happy to put you in touch with a Purebred Rescue organization in your area.
A lot of us out here really want to see a whole bunch of folks adopt rescue dogs, let's face it...if you do it, you'll be inspiring a vast number of others to do it as well.
Please don't disappoint us, there are just far too many great dogs in shelters out there that need homes!
Oh yeah....and I think you'll have plenty of room at that house you're moving to, I've been's quite lovely.
Thanks for listening,
I'm just another American who knows the joy of having rescue dogs join the family and hope you will too.
Friday, November 7, 2008
When The Going Gets Tough!
I get busy.
There was so much bizarre energy floating around this week with the election, the economy, weather issues...I had to find things to distract me.
I cooked like a bandit, yup...there was a cook-a-rama in my kitchen. Now there are a lot of homemade meals in the freezer, food to warm us up when we come in from working outside and we're cold and wet. Chili, chicken soup, potato soup and old fashioned pea soup.
When I wasn't cooking I was moving stuff around, I sorted things, moved all of the Christmas decorations to a new location. I found stuff I had totally forgotten about, I found the old files I used when I was planning our wedding. I should just get rid of most of it. That's what happens when you've never moved. I live in the same house I moved into when we got married 28 years ago, The Husband has lived here since January of 1966...that's a really long time!
It's fun to look through the old stuff, it's like a giant memory book up in the attic....but really, why on earth am I keeping my old roller skates?
Oh yeah...and I found a pair of Candies mules...circa 1978, I put them on, clomped around the attic...and promptly took them off before I broke an ankle.
How the heck did I ever walk around in those things? Walk! I think I disco danced in them!
No wonder I have bad feet 30 years later.
There was so much bizarre energy floating around this week with the election, the economy, weather issues...I had to find things to distract me.
I cooked like a bandit, yup...there was a cook-a-rama in my kitchen. Now there are a lot of homemade meals in the freezer, food to warm us up when we come in from working outside and we're cold and wet. Chili, chicken soup, potato soup and old fashioned pea soup.
When I wasn't cooking I was moving stuff around, I sorted things, moved all of the Christmas decorations to a new location. I found stuff I had totally forgotten about, I found the old files I used when I was planning our wedding. I should just get rid of most of it. That's what happens when you've never moved. I live in the same house I moved into when we got married 28 years ago, The Husband has lived here since January of 1966...that's a really long time!
It's fun to look through the old stuff, it's like a giant memory book up in the attic....but really, why on earth am I keeping my old roller skates?
Oh yeah...and I found a pair of Candies mules...circa 1978, I put them on, clomped around the attic...and promptly took them off before I broke an ankle.
How the heck did I ever walk around in those things? Walk! I think I disco danced in them!
No wonder I have bad feet 30 years later.
Thursday, November 6, 2008's a hunter
Today...not so much. When I got up this morning it was raining, the wind was blowing...the leaves were flying off the trees and sticking to the windows because they're zooming sideways.
A few minutes ago a stranger came to the door and asked if he could duck hunt in the corn field. I told the guy no, told him I have a new dog that I'm working on training but she's not really there yet...I just can't take any chances with her. I didn't tell him that I hate the sound of shotguns, it completely freaks me out.
Why on earth do I feel guilty? I don't know the guy, I don't like guns, I have a puppy who is easily distracted....and heck...the cornfield isn't that big and it's bordered by two roads that have a fair amount of traffic, it's not really a good place to be shooting off firearms.
I keep running all of these reasons through my head...and still...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
They're Coming!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!
Hope hope hope.
It happens every year, I buy the candy just in case I get a few trick or treaters (few = 2).
That's how it goes when you live on a country road with no neighbors.
Oh happy day, while I was writing this post one of my girlfriends called and she's stopping with her grandkids!
I'm off to get my camera ;)
Wishing you lots of treats and no tricks.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Girl Time
This pic was taken at my friend Debbie's birthday party last year. Today she came to visit me and we've had the best time. We went for lunch, goofed off, did a teensy bit of shopping...ya know....girl stuff.
Now we're home, all cozy on the couch...dinner is almost ready, and I'm teaching Deb how to blog.
Watch out world...another blogger is about to be born!
I love girl-time.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The Banishment Ends
My quirky little town where I was born and raised has up and joined the real world.
Since 1967 the city has banned alcohol sales on Sunday, in the blink of an eye the powers that be have decided to lift the ban.
I like quirky, and I like different...I liked it when I would tell folks where I grew up and they said "ohhhh...that's where you can't drink!...or dance!" I'd set them straight and tell them that you can dance, or you can drink, you just can't drink AND dance, if you really want to drink and dance you can get a permit, unless it's Sunday and you want a beer with your burger or a bloody mary with your brunch ....then you're outa luck, can't even buy a permit for that.
But as of tomorrow, burgers and beers and bloodies and's all gonna be there for the ordering. If you get groceries on Sunday they won't have the beer aisle blocked off, it always made me smile when I would see the beer blockade.
Now we're just like everybody else.
I don't wanna be like everybody else.
Nobody even asked me if this was ok!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Out of the Ordinary
I'm still hitting the mute button when the political yap yap comes on the tv or radio. I can't stand any of their voices...not even the voices of the ones I plan to vote for.
Last weekend when I went on my little adventure it was a pretty heavy dose of counter culture. It was a barter faire, I didn't bring anything to trade and I didn't purchase was fun just to be there, to observe...and to enjoy the surroundings.
I don't think I'd be willing to trade my property for a truck, and I don't have any pure gold...I wonder if this guy had any takers.
There was a lot of great music at the faire. I stumbled upon this little jam session. Notice how everybody is smiling? I love that about the barter faire.
Freedom of expression is encouraged. I saw this guy with his great hair and million dollar smile...he was happy to pose for a shot. Hmm...I wonder how much product he uses, it was windy and his hair didn't move a bit.
Oh yeah...and you can wear whatever you want. I saw a lot of pretty dresses, some buckskin pants....and a few guys in skirts. I guess I looked pretty square in my jeans, hiking boots and down vest. Gotta remember to shake it up next year.
If you want to sure to bring your teepee. I saw a few RV's too. I've always wanted a teepee. Note to self - research teepees.
I drove my car, but I guess next time I could borrow my sisters horse, these folks came in on horseback....hmmm....guess I'll have to make a decision....teepee or pony.
Last weekend when I went on my little adventure it was a pretty heavy dose of counter culture. It was a barter faire, I didn't bring anything to trade and I didn't purchase was fun just to be there, to observe...and to enjoy the surroundings.
Life sure is full of choices.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Playing Tag
Jerrie over at a little bit of {This & That} tagged heck...I'll play along, at least until I get to the end. This looks like a fun one, and Jerrie helps me with my blog when I'm teckie-stuck ;)
I'm breaking one rule by not tagging other folks because I'm tag-a-phobic.
You're supposed to answer the questions with one word and then tag seven others, if you'd like to play along just let me know - I'd love to pop on over and read what you have to say...he he one word.
"Where is your cell phone? purse
Where is your significant other? kitchen
Your hair color? mousy
Your mother? playing
Your father? heaven
Your favorite thing? creating
Your dream last night? curious
Your dream/goal? wellness
The room you’re in? living
Your hobby? gardens
Your fear? snakes
Where do you want to be in 6 years? participating
Where were you last night? home
What you’re not? timid
One of your wish-list items? kitchen
Where you grew up? Lynden
The last thing you did? lunch
What are you wearing? jeans
Your TV? off.
Your pet? chewing
Your computer? addictive
Your mood? great
Missing someone? MaryEllen
Your car? Escape
Something you’re not wearing? jewelry
Favorite store? Re-Store
Your summer? wonderful
Love someone? YES!
Your favorite color? green
When is the last time you laughed? lunch
Last time you cried? week?
Jerrie is right! One word answers are hard for those of us who tend to talk-a-lot/blog-a-lot.
I'm breaking one rule by not tagging other folks because I'm tag-a-phobic.
You're supposed to answer the questions with one word and then tag seven others, if you'd like to play along just let me know - I'd love to pop on over and read what you have to say...he he one word.
"Where is your cell phone? purse
Where is your significant other? kitchen
Your hair color? mousy
Your mother? playing
Your father? heaven
Your favorite thing? creating
Your dream last night? curious
Your dream/goal? wellness
The room you’re in? living
Your hobby? gardens
Your fear? snakes
Where do you want to be in 6 years? participating
Where were you last night? home
What you’re not? timid
One of your wish-list items? kitchen
Where you grew up? Lynden
The last thing you did? lunch
What are you wearing? jeans
Your TV? off.
Your pet? chewing
Your computer? addictive
Your mood? great
Missing someone? MaryEllen
Your car? Escape
Something you’re not wearing? jewelry
Favorite store? Re-Store
Your summer? wonderful
Love someone? YES!
Your favorite color? green
When is the last time you laughed? lunch
Last time you cried? week?
Jerrie is right! One word answers are hard for those of us who tend to talk-a-lot/blog-a-lot.
I can't watch any more
Last weekend I decided it was time to bust out and get away from the constant media assault. I've made up my mind, I don't need to watch any more debates, hear any more of those dreadful TV or radio ads...I'm's become all too creepy on both sides.
you come to an opening.
off in the distance.
I love it when I find new music, something different.
Several years ago I heard her and she stopped me in my tracks - now her career is really taking off, it's been great to watch her rise.
Now I've found someone new that I think has real potential.
The Shook Twins have a wonderful gift,
check out their amazing harmonies.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
My New Friends
They were looking in my kitchen window a couple of days ago. Actually they were taking a nap in the sun right outside my kitchen window and sorry to say...I woke them up.
Hey guys, stick're totally safe here. The gate is locked, the signs are posted...and hunting season is OVER tomorrow. Yayyyy!
Stay low and close to the should be okay.
Mi casa su casa.
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