Saturday, January 19, 2008

Crazy Larry

Happy Birthday Larry!
Our pal Lar is 60! Hokey Pokeys!
Tonight is a Larrys big birthday party but right now it's snowing like crazy...hmmm. I don't know if I dare drive to Seattle. I have great studded snow tires and a car that handles very nicely in these conditions. It's not me I'm worried's all the other goof-balls that don't have good tires and don't know how to drive in the snow. All it takes is one wrong move and...smmmaasshhh. Right now I think I-5 is a place I don't want to be.
Ohhhh....but the party is going to be fun fun fun. Larry is a musician and so are a lot of the guests, the music room at Larry and Di's will be jumpin' all evening.
What to do what to doooooo.


Anonymous said...

Wish you could have been there. We did in fact have music in the Music Room. The new recording light I received for Christmas was installed by Scott in time for the event. Congas, guitars, flute, and voices. It is all like a drezm come true.
Love you bunches,

Anonymous said...

It was a really cool night of music, food, fun friends (Shelly was missing :( )and "other things" dgj