Monday, March 31, 2008

Spring Fever

Forty eight hours ago I was looking at this...and I was a little cranky. I said it was Mother Nature's way of telling me to get back in the house and catch up on laundry, dusting..and all of the other stuff that was making my house creepy. I listened...and I got busy.And today I was rewarded with this....ohhh myyy...the Pieris as a backdrop to this delightful just doesn't get a whole lot better.

Unless of course you wander over to the sun back-lighting the Helebores...goodness!

Check out this resilient blossom, I thought for sure the snow had ruined some of the daffs. If you look closely you can see the tiny white dots around the rim of the trumpet, there is a whole grouping of this variety of daffodil but this was the only one I noticed with this detail.

Rain, sleet, snow, didn't phase them... yet another lesson for me.

This critter was pretty sluggish today, I got really close and it didn't move a bit.

But this critter, oh my...she can see the green grass in the pasture, and she wants o-u-t of the! Sorry missy, it's too muddy and we need to wait for the grass to grow a bit more.


Tami said...

Well I hope to shout that you do not let the cows out while we are gone on vacation! That little missy can just wait.

pink dogwood said...

beautiful flowers - cute cow :)

Daffodils are blooming here in Maryland as well, however, I have been unable to capture them as beautifully as you have.

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Great photos!
Spring is just around the corner.